Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 9:30
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approved January minutes.
2 New Business
- Approval of December board meeting minutes – (informal action with written consent provided via email 1/15/2016). Barry moved, Katherine seconded. Passed
- 2016 Budget (3/2016 – 2/2017) Discussed the minimum needed, mainly for government filings, web hosting, partner visits and conference outreach. We also included target and stretch goals such as hosting a partner summit and providing grants to partner agencies so the focus can be on learning from each other. Katherine motioned to approve the budget. Maryanna seconded. Passed.
- Other Calendar Action Items needed- Call for Slate of Candidates, Katherine proposed Barry Glicklich as president/treasurer. Maryanna Milton as Vice-president. Katherine Lato as secretary, a.k.a Vice-President of Communication. Seconded by Barry. Passed. (As the slate.)
- NDIA Subscription ($100). This will provide a $20 discount for the conference, have PBDD listed and is a way to join a more global view of issues we are involved with. Maryanna motioned to join, Barry seconded. Passed.
3 Action Item Status Changes – closed since beginning of last meeting
- Opened Nov 20 2015 Katherine drafted information for the trip report on PPDD from the schedule information. Will release with picture. Released Dec 11 at https://pbdd.org/partnership-for-progress-on-the-digital-divide-2015-conference-report/
- Opened Sept 2015 http://www.peoplesrc.org/our-partners – Maryanna talk to development about getting a writeup on the partner spotlight page. Closed 15 December
- Opened Dec 11 2015. Katherine will write a partner profile for Luthern Social Services of North Florida. (We visited them in November.) Draft developed and sent to LSSNF for approval on 20 January. Approval received. Profile published. https://pbdd.org/lssnf-jan-2016/ Item can be closed
- Opened Oct 2015. Where and how are public libraries coordinating their computer courses? Maryanna.
- Update, Barry talked with a few people at PRC partners breakfast, and followed up with Wheaton in person.
- 11/20/15 update – Maryanna has connected Mary Blair with a Google group of librarian who teach technology in the libraries. https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/teachtechnology
- Maryanna will ask Mary Blair if there is publicly available training material that we can point to from our web site.
- Barry and Mary attended a meeting and joined group. Permission granted to post shared material. Material posted. Action item can be closed.
- Opened Dec 11 2015. Barry will run the template-agreement by a lawyer in anticipation of our posting it on our website. Ivan has agreed to help (12/16). Follow-up email sent Jan 20. Phone call held Jan 25. Version received Feb 9, and posted Feb 10th at https://latoglicklich.com/pbdd/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/PBDD-MemorandumOfUnderstanding.pdf. Action item can be closed
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates including new ones.
Open action items status as of 2/12/16:
- Opened Sept 2015. Write-up how to access grant Database for C.O.D. – Barry Started Draft 8 Oct 2015. Can do a little offsite, but will need to go to COD to test out procedures.
- Opened Sept 2015. White paper on Origin Stories of our partners. All, Sent email to partners in mid September asking for input by Oct 6th. We divided up non-responses at October board meeting and followed up. As we add new partners, we are asking for their origin stories. Will not include people who don’t reply to two attempts.
- As of Dec 11th, we’ve heard from: Learning to be the Light, Masonic Angels Foundation (Laptop for Kids), NetLiteracy, TechBoomers, PRC, HumanIT, LSSNF (via interview) and CompuDopt.
- Will continue to accept input until second draft.
- Response received from Ed Tech 15 December
- Our Children LA received January 4
- First draft was developed at the January board meeting and shared subsequently with board members via google docs.
- Sent Intro & Appendix excerpts out Jan 22. Responses tracked in Google Doc
- Board members will add specific items to illustrate themes with Maryanna taking Volunteers, Barry taking Misc, and Katherine reviewing the other categories by 2/19.
- After the 19th, Barry will send an email to each partner asking them to ‘pay particular attention to items that use their agency name to ensure we represented them correctly. Please consider adding a specific story to illustrate a specific item or items. Also mention this is a draft.’
- Opened Sept 2015 Contact Milwaukee public library for sharing training information, etc. – Barry – Left message for Stephanie Robinson (Public Computer Training Coordinator) 9/22. Barry will attempt to sign up for an online course, and if that doesn’t work, Katherine will contact a Milwaukee resident and ask him to try to take a training course and see what he finds out that he can share.
- Opened Sept 2015 When John Victor and team finishes the PRC Refurbishing Overview document, use that as a base for a overview document for the PBDD website. Maryanna will ask for a copy of it, and maybe pass it on to Katherine for editing. Updated Dec, 2015.
- Ongoing (not expected to close) – Sharing PRC videos on YouTube. Barry will add links as they come out. Opened Sept 2015. Videos up to date as of 2/10/16
- Opened Sept 2015 Review volunteer information and updated at https://pbdd.org/volunteering_time/— time estimates, further refinement, additions – all. November update – Maryanna’s suggestions. December update. Put volunteer ideas into a table to show at a glance long-term, short-term, etc. Answering questions, how much time? Where? Short-term or long-term. Katherine will update web page.
- Ongoing (i.e. not expected to close – Tracking the following annually recurring items:
- Election of officers for coming year (Regular meeting in March)
- Annual statement by officers, etc. acknowledging Conflict of Interest policy (Regular meeting in March)
- IRS Form 990 (or 990-EZ or 990-N) due July 15
- Illinois AG requires AG990-IL for previous fiscal year due 8/31
- Board-approved budget for next year (Due before 2/28)
- Corporate Annual Report with IL Secretary of State (by March 1)
- Renew Web Hosting (current contract expires Jan 17, 2019)
- Renew pbdd.org Domain (current lease expires Jan 15, 2021)
- Closed Feb 12, 2016 – Opened Nov 20 2015 Maryanna will follow up with Angela about Practioner’s Conference via phone. There is a conference in the works with a practioner’s focus that Barry is participating in. Maryanna will join. This will be incorporated as part of the Net Inclusion
- Closed Feb 12, 2016 – Opened Nov 20 2015 Maryanna will connect with Tom from Connected Nations about visiting PRC. Sent email Dec 1, followed up, no response. Closing this.
- Opened Nov 20 2015 Katherine will draft a short note about how to refurbish Apple products and that the software is allowed to be used by whoever has the hardware just to get that conversation started.
- Ongoing – Keep an eye out for conferences. PPDD is every 2 years, Track them here. Others? Including local ones? Opened Nov 20 2015, not expected to close although the specifics will change.
- Net Inclusion 2016 May 18-19. Barry is on the planning committee http://www.digitalinclusionalliance.org/netinclusion2016/
- ReuseConex 2016, 4th International Reuse Conference & Expo ; When: October 17-18, 2016; Holiday Inn Boston Bunker Hill, Boston, MA; http://reuseconex.org
- Electronics Reuse Conference, October 24-26 2016, Houston, TX https://www.ereuseconference.com
- Digital Equity Learning February 2016 in Washington DC. http://digitalequityforlearning.org/
- Opened Nov 20 2015 Think about a best-practices in grant writing white paper, including which ones not to apply to. Will get to this after current white paper.
- Opened Dec 11 2015. Barry will delete items from media that aren’t needed to see if that helps with uploading pictures. Problem was related to WordPress update. Resolved without deleting files
- Opened Dec 11 2015. Barry will explore grant funding for the Bridging Partner Summit. Maryanna will talk with Angela from NDIA, who was on board for a practioner’s conference if that is in line. Maryanna will ask her about grant funding possibilities. Also should consider having corporate sponsors. Could consider a go-fund me as well, targeting a different base.
- Opened Feb 12 2016. Katherine will look at the training pages and initiatives page–and maybe break out the training so it’s easier to find specific things. She will consult with Barry.
5 Information Sharing
- Net Inclusion Conference – Barry is working on this.
- Indiana University Research Project – at PRC will probably interview Barry and Maryanna.
- Website Updates
Extensive additions to Training Resources page
- White Paper Status – discussed it earlier.
- Partner Status
6 Time and Location for next meeting –
Next meeting – March 11 @ 9:30
7 Adjourn –
Adjourned: 10:58