Time: 2:30 p.m. CST (1:30p.m. MST)
Location: Electronic (Zoom)
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 2:30
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
November minutes approved.
2 New Business
- Next White Paper: An Experience with Learning Circles? Agreed this is what it will be, will consult with Peer to Peer University once further along. Document started at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iWod0HOON43fStzvU72j36aiz2yOUq6W6if79BKCFJE/edit
3 Information Sharing
- Curriculum Repository Update- Nothing particularly new. Follow-up query outstanding on plans for roll-out sent last week.
- Net Inclusion Planning- Barry was unable to attend the planning meeting on Dec 7, but has the following updates:
- Sponsorship discussions are underway, with some commitments received
- Pre-conference workshops: Building an Intelligent State, One Community at a Time; Building Digital Inclusion Coalitions; Start Your Own Low-Cost Internet Sign-Up Program; Using Virtual Reality (VR) to Engage Youth, Seniors & Community Storytellers; New Ways of Thinking about Digital Equity; Real Time Community Broadband Planning; Building Broadband Policy By and For Digital Inclusion Practitioners; Share and Network: EveryoneOn Digital Equity Champions & Enrollment Partners
- Registration opened this week at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/net-inclusion-2018-registration-41085413578 . Cost is $155 for early bird subscribers (before March 1). Pre-conference add-on of $35. Barry & Katherine have registered for conference without add-on. Will register Maryanna upon confirmation of commitment and which email to use. After registering, can reserve spot for site tour using sched.com
- Soliciting for recommendations for panelists for Net Inclusion break-out sessions. Please complete this form to recommend yourself or someone else. Panelists will be announced late January. Thinking of ‘digital literacy training strategies and models.’
- Schedule: Site tours 2-5pm Tuesday. There will be four half-hour lightning round sessions & four hour-long break-out sessions (Wed am, Wed pm, Thurs am, & Thurs pm). Receptions Tuesday evening & Wednesday evening. Wednesday evening reception coupled with birds-of-a-feather. http://netinclusion2018.sched.com/
- Net Inclusion Lighting Round Application process will open January 8, 2018. Maryanna will do this.
- Partner Status.
- Visits- Barry & Katherine have made arrangements for January visits to Human-I-T in Los Angeles and c2sdk in San Diego. Will be gathering information for Partner Profiles as well as just getting to know them.
- Peer-to-peer University is a new partner
- We released the partner profile and newsletter for Ed Tech https://pbdd.org/ed-tech-november-2017/
- Website Updates- Conferences Page, Policy Initiatives, Low cost access options, RAILS Resources (keeping up with Technology)
- Peer-to-peer class — Barry & Katherine completed the Mindfulness class. 7 people enrolled, 7 people stayed until the end.
- Digital Inclusion Conference in Canada in February
- Subscriber call:
- Change in subscription software to reduce overhead. Can now have unlimited people on NDIA mailing list, and subscription is 365 days from renewal.
- NDIA is preparing a guidebook for digital inclusion coalitions, which will be available prior to the pre-conference workshop in April.
- Net Inclusion 2018. See notes above
- FCC news: Bad news on Net neutrality, lifeline, and IP transition (reducing requirement for copper fiber – may result in disconnection of elderly)
- In conversations with carriers- Charter/Spectrum is learning about NDIA and expressing interest, but not yet sponsorship. Verizon is working with NDIA on a symposium on the full set of aspects of digital inclusion, probably February in Washington DC
- Federal Reserve is rolling out “digital inclusion” module for CRA training in January. This may encourage banks to loan for digital inclusion projects.
- Financial update: donations & expenses. Note, one of our board members will match non-board member donations up to $200.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 12/15/17 – Opened 6/9/16: Maryanna will consider setting up a course with peer-to-peer – September 2017. 9/15/17 – participated in a peer-to-peer course on Refugees.
- Closed 12/15/17. Opened 11/4/16: Find two volunteers to help with something that applies to our mission. (Go to a ConnectChicago meeting, better write-up of grant, run a peer-to-peer class, find info-graphics, etc.) Had one volunteer help with the grant database writeup. Had several people help with testing the peer-to-peer class structure and providing feedback.
- Closed 12/15/17. Opened 11/4/16: Start documenting what we are looking for in partner engagement. Barry did this at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ss3-F7ltL42Oqs8Rkh2mIs_gmgS3cET-I-bgH7fNSik Is this enough? Discuss whether to close item, and how to share this with partners (Open House in April?) 10/13/17 Put this on a web page. https://pbdd.org/becoming-a-partner/
- Closed 12/15/17. Opened 6/19/17 – Newsletter report on resources — highlighting right to repair and Bridging the Gap (PCs for People partnership with Mobile Beacon.) – Katherine. Included in December newsletter.
- Closed 12/15/17 Opened 11/17/17 – Barry will check on pre-conference workshops for NDIA. What ones are being offered.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – Wednesday Jan 31 in Scottsdale 2:40 MST
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 3:51