Time: 2:00 p.m. CST (1:00p.m. MST)
Location: Electronic (Zoom)
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 2:15
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of October minutes
2 New Business
- Next White Paper: Training Repository & class development is it white paper or newsletter? An Experience with Learning Circles? Went through our topics for white papers page. https://pbdd.org/starting-refurbishing/topics-for-white-papers/
- Pre-conference workshop – looks more formal than we were thinking with a registration fee of $35 to participants as well as hosting at $1500. Barry has an action item to look into what is being offered.
3 Information Sharing
- Curriculum Repository Update
The Curriculum Repository tool has been getting a small amount of usage in Alpha testing (24 items currently available, with a collection awaiting review, but a small number of people actively using it). Barry has submitted some classes from PRC, Denver Public Library, and RAILS group, and a PBDD white paper on refurbishing. Platform does not seem to have much momentum at this juncture. Queries outstanding on plans for roll-out.
- Partner Status.
- Visits- Barry & Katherine visited Ed Tech of WNY on October 27th. Partner profile has been sent to Renee for review and approved– http://pbdd.org/ed-tech-november-2017/ – Will be included in December Newletter. (Not a November one.)
- Planned trip to California- One scheduled with Human It, will try to visit Our Children LA, C2SDK
- Sent queries to two organizations in Cleveland, one more in California
- Website Updates- Updated information on Low cost access options
- Peer-to-peer class — Barry & Katherine started the Mindfulness class. 7 people enrolled. Are using the peer-to-peer site. From a participant’s POV, all you can do is find a class, and sign up for emails. Can’t even find the class if it’s been closed. Might want to suggest a way for participants to communicate within the p2p system.
- We had the first session before anyone was expected to take the class material. Good first meeting. With people willing to take ownership of how the class interactions unfolded as a group. Not one person in charge.
- Other?
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed – Opened 6/19/17 – Investigate google map from the suite. – Maryanna. 10/13/17 have a draft. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1-gaTzWql0u8fF43cL4-ZwK3KOgM&ll=43.81400642791331%2C-107.37369265000007&z=5. Have it on our website under partners.
- Closed – Opened 9/15/17 – When Barry & Katherine meet with EdTech in NY, will draft a partner profile for them. Wrote it, reviewed it, published it.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – Friday Dec 15 @ 2:30 pm CST/1:30pm MST.
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 3:20