Time: 2:30 CDT, 12:30 MST
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 2:40
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of April minutes
2 New Business
- Reviewing our mission statement. http://www.jeffersonawards.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Mission-Statement-Exercise.pdf created an action item for next month.
- Ideas for future actions/impact – being a funder for one or more of our partners. Partners pitch to get fundings at a pre-conference workshop. Here’s what I need money for. Doesn’t mean we’ll be fund-raising, more that we’ll have a direction for funds that we can call upon.
3 Information Sharing
- Partner Updates:
- Meeting with PRC/ phone call with Rebeca ALL Program Director
- Digital Bridge Partner Profile released
- Computer Reach
- Partner Profile of LTBTL released
- Website Updates: Net Inclusion Conference Report, new Digital Equity Act page, Public Policy Initiatives, Training Resources, Conferences
- Net inclusion – Post mortem & thoughts for next year
- Timing is bad with Passover and Easter, but there’s an AFTRR meeting before it, so we’ll probably go.
- After we released our report, 110 hits for the day and 79 the next day. Also had clicks on other pages.
- Next White Paper: Sharing your Success Stories- google doc– stories gathered at Net Inclusion- next steps?
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 4/2/19 — 7/20/18 opened. Develop workshop connected with another conference such as NDIA and to provide scholarships to partners to attend both the workshop and NDIA.
- Refer to google https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V1cEbJu2QVf4yZ24hvaw0p7RVMJik2jefDkimQiZRqw/edit –not competing with anything from the conference itself. 7/20/18 – revise this–circulate via email.
- Refer to Grant Proposal for Workshop.
- Investigate having PBDD fund partners, including brand-new ones, for NDIA registration next year. Contact NDIA about their conference scholarship program. 4/1/19 – We funded 4 scholarships from 3 partners through NDIA’s program.
- 9/3/18 – will send out a survey, with doodle poll, to our partners – K&B
- 9/28/18 – Compiling survey results and determining next steps.
- 10/23/18 – survey results have been distributed. Determining criteria.
- 12/6/18 – we are inviting partners with a scholarship.
- 12/6/18 – details on our networking event are waiting on final details from NDIA–may be coffee, lunch, drinks, dessert, or some combination.
- 1/29: Planning for something after the first night banquet (starting 7:00). Omni hotel will charge 500 for a room, and $800 minimum on catering menu (if used). Rock Bottom (3 blocks away, kitty corner from NDIA reception): I contacted Carly Flanagan 704.577.2115 & am working with her to reserve a private room. Per this link, since we have no paid employees and less than $25K, we are exempt from charitable solicitation licensing requirements. Carly indicated that there may be several options for them donating to us, and I will explore that, along with the costs of hosting our event there. Mill Room, which is a private location in the restaurant. This space has great views of inside the brewery (photo) and AV hookup availability. The food and beverage minimum for this space is $300.00, before sales tax, 3% service charge and 18% gratuity. The room is probably bigger than we need, but we could use some space for activities (identifying topics). Catering menu is here. We might not need to do something this big, but the cost is fairly low, and if we have a great outing, that would encourage others to talk about it and promote being a PBDD partner. Angela/NDIA had done some research into restaurants with private rooms in September, and had info on 30 restaurants in city center, and Rock Bottom was one of four that had a private room rated as least expensive, so I might consider that due diligence if we can find something that works for us. If we are less than 25 people, they will allow us to order off the menu and from bar, so this is probably the way we want to go. Sample contract is here.
- 2/8/19 – Will go with the Rock Bottom private room, using the standard menu. Note: 4/1/19 update, one week before the event, Rock Bottom in Charlotte shut down. Due to extremely fast reaction on the part of our president, we booked a place nearby and notified all partners in a timely manner. Rí Rá private room.
- 2/21- Reservation booked. Submitted paperwork to receive 10% of day’s revenue. Donation are processed through RB’s HOPE organization so after the event Carly will submit the information and they will reach out to send a check on RB-Charlotte’s behalf. 4/1/19 this is all moot since Rock Bottom closed.
- Sent email to partners, asking for RSVP. Have received yes from P2PU – 2 , PBDD – 3, OATS – 2, Tech Boomers – 1, PCs for People – 3, San Diego Future Foundations – 2, Tech Goes Home – 4, Connected Nation – 1, AZsTrut – 1
- Work on plan for the evening (much shorter than originally planned for) with an icebreaker-story telling. Refer to google https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V1cEbJu2QVf4yZ24hvaw0p7RVMJik2jefDkimQiZRqw/edit
- Closed 5/3/19 Partner Profile Digital Bridge in Milwaukee
- 1/22/19 update – Met with Jeff for tour & discussion 1/11/19, drafted on 2/7/19. Draft sent for review 3/4/19
- Closed 5/3/19 — Partner Profile Learning to Be the Light in Alabama- met February 25. Released May 2nd.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — June 7, 10:00 CDT, 11 MST via Zoom or in person since Maryanna will be in town. (Date/time may adjust.)
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 3:55