Time: 2pm MST/ 3pm CST
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 3:00 CST
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of February minutes
2 New Business
- Election of Officers – done
- Confirmation of officers acknowledging Conflict of Interest policy
- Review lighting round viewgraphs — Pdf file — https://www.dropbox.com/s/c68simve2uxafoi/pbdd-lightening-2019.pdf?dl=0
3 Information Sharing
- Partner Updates:
- Draft of Digital Bridge Partner Profile
- visit with LTBTL
- Website Updates: Low cost access options, Public Policy Initiatives, training page
- Net inclusion – See action item summary for:
- scholarship info (#11)
- Scheduling our get-together (#8)
- Start-up Manual Working Group – release delayed
- AFTRR steering committee- conversation with James Jack of Human-I-T on 2/19. He is very interested in working with us and getting our help to project manage, edit, and publish documents such as best practices for AFTRR members
- Next White Paper: Sharing your Success Stories- google doc– email sent 2/22. Katherine will mention during Lighting Round describing PBDD.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 4/6/19 All is complete. Opened 12/6/18: Offer free conference registration to NDIA to several partners. Survey results Plan is to do about four. IBSA already planning on coming. Asked C2SDK, AZStruT, SPNN, P2PU. P2PU accepted Second round to ask: Technology Systems Solution (in NC), Lutheran Social Services – Florida, Learning to be the Light, PEC Center for Digital Inclusion. Barry will send out invites/make phone calls.
- 1/4/19 update – underway. See meeting notes from 1/4/19 meeting.
- Status as of 2/7/19: P2PU has accepted, TSS has accepted; AZStRUT has accepted. C2SDK and SPNN have declined. Offers have been extended to LSSNF, and L2BTL, with a final notice sent 1/14. Offer made 1/15 for Veterans Court Technology Clinic (St. Louis) NDIA has provided a registration code, good for four registrations (including workshop). Code provided, but as of 2/7, only P2PU has used it to register. Offered second one to P2PU & they confirmed & registered. We have four registered for conference and three for pre-conference workshops (not Tom). Invoice received & paid on 3/6/19
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — during Net Inclusion- in person April 1st morning in Charlotte
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 3:50