Shortly thereafter, President Barry Glicklich and Vice-President of Communications Katherine Lato attended the Electronics Reuse Conference in New Orleans followed by a visit to Lutheran Social Services of North Florida. See the write-up for the conference at Electronics Reuse Conference Report 2015
As a result of these conferences and other follow-up activities, we’ve welcomed several additional partner agencies.
Our web site continues to expand, particularly in the area of training material. Additions include:
- TechBoomers on How to Use Popular Websites,
- People’s Resource Center Tech Tuesday content, with edited You-Tube videos, as well as the source presentation material for those classes.
- Course Material from Denver Public Library Technology Classes, including a subset of course material in Spanish
If you have additional material to share, please contact Barry Glicklich or Katherine Lato.
With some help from our pro-bono lawyer, we have worked out the wording for our fund-raising page to allow for donations without violating any state regulations on unlicensed solicitation.
As we draw to the end of the calendar year, we would like to thank all who have joined us on the initial stage of our journey, contributing material and support for our communal cause to bridge the digital divide.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Katherine Lato, VP-Communications, PBDD