Web–site Tester
Visit every page on the PBDD website, checking links, noting any bad links or confusing text
- Skill required: reading
- Time estimate: 2-20 hours every 4 months
- Output: email list of any bad links, confusing text
Community Outreach
Represent PBDD at community meetings or events (for example, Connect Chicago networking meetings).
- Time estimate: 3- 5 hours each meeting
- Output: notes about meeting indicating key points and possible follow up with people or item
Research paper assistant researcher/editor
Contact partners with list of questions to gather information for current research paper topic. Read and suggest edits for current draft. Suggest topics for research papers based on partner discussions.
- Getting started: Contact PBDD for next topic
- Skill required: reading, analysis, writing
- Time estimate: 4 – 10 hours total
- Output: Notes from partner interviews. Suggested research paper edits.
Become a non-profit refurbisher of Microsoft computers
- Getting started: Learn about the refurbishing computers
- Skill required: Comfortable with computer hardware
- Time estimate: 20 hours (but then ongoing might need 5-10 hours a month refurbishing computers)
- Output: work with a Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher, obtain certification, share knowledge of refurbishing PCs, provide documentation of the process.
Donor database specialist
Research options and suggest a free donor database requiring web -server.
- Getting started: Contact PBDD for material gathered to date & high level requirements
- Skill required: Software installation, testing
- Time estimate: 10-40 hours total
- Output: recommendation on donor database to fit needs
Database designer
Investigate and set up a database and user interface for searching for training classes.
- Getting started: Familiarize yourself with existing training classes listed, review database query criteria developed to date.
- Skill required: Research, wordpress, database & user interface design
- Time estimate: 40-80 hours total
- Output: Initial version of training database location system
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