Possible topics for the next experience paper include:
- Adapting refurbishing and training programs to changing world- mobile devices, apps, changing workplace requirements, etc.
- Best practices in finding, reusing, and developing training material
- How organizations use volunteers effectively, or not.
- How to get a program started in an underserved area.
- Describe modes of instruction- six week courses versus single session versus one-on-one tutoring versus on-line training with support (e.g. learning circles)- perhaps recommendations on when each of these is most effective.
- Literacy and Digital Skills – experiences teaching computer skills where reading in English is not a strong skill.
- How other organizations (like libraries) fit into a global picture on digital information,
- Best practices in grant writing.
- Refurbishing non-Windows equipment–how to get started. Like what businesses are doing when using tablets (even housekeeping at hotels are using them these days.)
- Being able to convey the impact we have on the community.
Collaboration – assuming you’re providing a service that no one else is supplying. Why compete? “Collaboration is not taking money away from each other.” Funding is easier. Now a company no longer has to choose between them. They feel they’re getting a bigger bang for their buck.” From Net Inclusion 2018: desire for a model of partnerships that is replicable, sustainable and scalable. Sometimes due to applying for combined funding. How to determine who gets what and who does what. Maybe PBDD could share come good MOUs related to this topic.
Topics we tried, but didn’t get very far with:
- What other agencies are doing (and recommend) with regard to measurements, particularly measuring impact of programs. This is something many donors, volunteers, and grant-givers would like to see, to ensure that their funds are being used effectively. (stakeholders including potential grant givers). Questions on Measuring Impact