Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 9:30
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of August minutes
2 New Business
- Joint Fundraiser with PRC – need to encourage our friends to buy tickets. Mention that there are a limited number. Discussed logistics.
- Goals for coming year: expand board, training database, volunteer recruitment & usage, others?
- Approved the budget for the Oct. 20th fundraiser.
3 Information Sharing
- Web Site Updates
4 Action Item Status Changes
Placeholder for Minutes, to record items closed during meeting
- Closed 9/7/16. Opened 5/13/16: Investigate Repair Cafe. There is one in Oak Park, http://www.repaircafeoakparkil.org/ Maryanna will check them out. While a neat concept, they don’t do computers. We may want a category of ‘Other.’ and place this under it. Katherine’s action item now. Placed this in: https://pbdd.org/other/
- Closed in August 2016. Opened 7/20/16: Katherine. Newsletter article based on Mobile Citizen and Mobile Beacon offers. With Barry’s help, closed in August 2016.
- Closed 9/9/16. Opened 8/12/16: Explore options for board make-up for next fiscal year which begins in March, 2017. Discussed and no significant changes.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – October 14 @ 9:30 or may move it to the 21st.
6 Adjourn –
Adjourned: 11:00