Time: 2:00 p.m. CDT (12:00p.m. MST)
Location: Electronic (phone, Google hangout)
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 2:10
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approved August minutes.
2 New Business
Discussion about perhaps not meet monthly. Instead, how about having the agenda as a google doc that we all can add stuff to, to reduce the note-taking burden. Motion to put the agenda into a google doc shared by all of us and use that for our regular meetings. Seconded and approved. Agenda document is here.
3 Information Sharing
- Curriculum Repository Update – Barry is involved in the committee for this. He participated in early alpha testing, but hasn’t heard much subsequently. but they’re planning to role out a beta version in November. Until that is up and fully functional, we will keep the information on PBDD.
- Guidestar: We are $#&*% Golden – Barry applied and it happened. And the logo updated in our website auto-magically.
- Partner Status – someone else found us. He has a tutoring site, isn’t an organization for this yet, but has an initiative to work with libraries and community centers on technology drop-in centers, primarily for low income Latino communities. He will be working with Allianza de Lideres Mexicanos y Americanos (ALMA) in Oxnard, CA, which is likely to be the new partner. Maryanna met with AZStRUT and updated the google doc for the partner profile. Barry and Katherine may visit a partner in New York in October, EdTech.
- NDIA Subscriber Call – Barry participates. Net Inclusion with be April 17-19 in Cleveland. Site tours will be in the afternoon of the 17th. Two evening receptions. Tuesday morning may have pre-conference space available. Opened an action item on this for PBDD to plan and host an open house and participate in birds of the feather.
- Connect Chicago meeting in August was focused on seniors. Microsoft’s Digi-seniors, train the trainer. Chicago digital learn no longer requires a Chicago library card–has 22 classes, not instructor led, broken into chunks. https://chipublib.digitallearn.org/ Already have a link to it on the website.
- Website Updates – see above.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting. Nothing closed, but made progress on many items.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – Oct 13 @ 2:00pm CDT
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 3:10