Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 9:50
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1.1 Minutes
Approval of minutes.
1.2 New business
- Discussion about action items. Have a list of action items with identified owners. Usually things to do in the next month or two. If longer range, will identify it as such. Things near the top of the list are the highest priority. Can put calendar-based items on there–like refiling for tax status, re-electing board members, etc. This will be maintained by the VP of communications.
1.4 Follow-up, Accomplishments and initiatives
- PRC link to PBDD web-site – Maryanna will check. Maybe get something on http://www.peoplesrc.org/our-partners
- Sharing PRC course materials & procedures- Added Barry’s Tech Tuesday material- Other people’s slide presentations? Maryanna will talk to Mary about sharing the presentations. The videos are on YouTube. Barry will add links as they come out. Ongoing.
- Sales Tax Exemption: Denied July 17: “does not meet requirements” (likely related to delayed acceptance of registration as Illinois non-profit). May re-apply at a future date, but there is no urgency.
- Registration under Illinois Charitable Trust and Solicitation for Charity Acts: Accepted July 31, after follow-up letter explaining initial unsolicited donation with no penalty fee required.
- Website Updates
Added Net Literacy partner profile, changes to donation page following swaying non-profit status, FCC Lifeline comments, potential White Paper topics
- Partner Status update: Learning to Be the Light (Birmingham, Alabama) added, Conversations with Laptops for Kidz and Connected Nation. We all should sample at least 3 classes. Once we do that, we’ll discuss what to do next. Barry is in the process of adding a class to Connected Nations Site.
- Have received offer of pro-bono legal services regarding web-site solicitation in other states. Engagement letter pending.
- Obtained American Express Business credit card under Barry’s name for organization use.
- Finances: Donation received for expenses of Electronics Reuse Conference (hotel & conference registration).
- Will register for Electronics Reuse Conference, with plans to visit partner in Birmingham, Alabama and potential partner in Tallahassee, Florida.
- Contact phone number for Milwaukee public library received. Follow-up pending
- PRC Refurbishing Overview document on PBDD website – pending approval by John Victor
- Newsletter for partners- September one is done. November one will highlight the conference.
1.5 Time and Location for next meeting –
October meeting – 9:30 at PRC Wheaton, October 9. Proposal to either reschedule November meeting to November 20 or not have it that month. Default will be November 20th, but we’ll decide next month.
1.6 Adjourn –
Adjourned: 11:00