Time: 3:30pm CDT, (1:30pm MST)
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 3:30
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of September minutes
2 New Business
- MAPPINGS applications – P2Pu’s grant is approved.
- A number of our learning circle partners have expressed interest in receiving a physical learning circle toolkit when they start learning circles; this would include things like nicely bound facilitator and organizer guides, some custom notebooks for learners with lightweight facilitation exercises, P2PU promotional materials, etc. So far we have not been able to fund such a project, but this grant would give us the opportunity to design a prototype with the hope of growing it into a more central part of the learning circle onboarding experience down the road. One of our grantmakers is matching funds we raise for the rest of 2019, so the impact of $500 would effectively be $1,000.
- Modified the web page on Mappings to stress something NEW. https://pbdd.org/mappings/
- Reviewed https://pbdd.org/white-paper-anatomy-best-class-bridging-agency/
3 Information Sharing
- AFTRR best practices working group – biweekly meetings started, unanimous consent on sharing outside AFTRR, first topic is data security
- Partner Updates- P2PU not sure about Portland due to other commitments, newsletter feedback
- Website Updates:
- Experience paper- sharing success stories – next steps
- Newsletter
- Public Policy Initiatives & Digital Equity Act pages
- What’s new
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 10/4/19 – Opened 5/3/19. ‘Partner Tank’ (MAPPINGS) where people pitch their ideas for funding from us. Maryanna came up with proposal: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HA2O3ro_Mssx0RsNLkcEnuXaVlp1WKN0G43-kiH9Jeg/edit?ts=5d1a7da5
- Barry developed a draft email for funding.
- We reviewed, and will send to Mobile Citizen, then send out.
- Got comments, and we’ll send this out with a contact form on the web.
- We have the page on the web. https://pbdd.org/mappings/ – and have funding for several more. We may request more funding for this if needed.
- Closed 10/4/19 – Opened 9/6/19 – next newsletter
- Microgrants – MAPPINGS
- Experience paper (after agreement)
- Conference – potential for housing and a digital inclusion seder (stay tuned)
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — Friday November 8, 2:30pm CST, (1:30 MST), via Zoom
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 4:20