Time: 1:30pm MST, 4:30pm EDT
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 4:35 EST
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of September minutes.
2 Information Sharing
- Review partner description update status: Net Literacy and OCLA have been updated (all locations, including logo & name)
- Web page updates:
- Updating Partner info — next By Katherine. See Latest two updates to read through, make suggestions, then we can contact the organizations to run it past them.
- Fortune Society Webinar October 14 with Katherine as a member of the panel. It went well.
- Net Inclusion 2022. Barry and Maryanna are currently enrolled.
- Kaiser Permanente query & call, but what they are looking for doesn’t match with what we provide.
- Partner Status: RSVP as new partner. Perhaps once they launch their pilot program, we’ll do a partner profile.
- Chester County Digital Inclusion Initiative update. Started train the trainer sessions. Working with OASIS to get the curriculum updated.
- Financial update. Using the einvite donate button for a birthday celebration resulted in over a thousand dollars going to PBDD.
3 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
Each board member comes up with ideas on partner engagement to discuss.
- Maryanna will check their guidestar description and suggest improvements if needed. Action item.
- Contact partners, asking them what they hope to accomplish in 2022. Is there a way PBDD or other partners can help? Action item.
- Choose some partner/s and promote them and their impact and stories by trying to get local, county, state, national media attention.) Not doing at this point.
- Identify valuable info & improvements for three partner websites, and offer to help make updates. In reality, they aren’t usually receptive. But we can discuss this with them when applicable.
- Sponsor attendance at Net Inclusion (for small partners). Action item.
- Short interview questions, return them for entry to a raffle prize (e.g.coffee maker or electric tea kettle. Part of other action item.
- Regional get-togethers between partners to share information, possibly with zoom.
- Continue updating partner descriptions, which has Barry contacting two partners each month and makes us all more familiar with what our partners are doing.
- Conference hosting, late-night dinner/drinks.
4 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — November 29 1:30pm MST, 3:30pm EST via Zoom.
5 Adjourn
Adjourned: 5:55 EST