Time: 2:00 p.m. CDT (12:00p.m. MST)
Location: Electronic (phone, Google hangout)
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 2:07
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approved September minutes
2 New Business
- Workshop/Open house for Cleveland 2018 is happening. Have two main goals:
- Raise awareness of PBDD. Have a table with notecards, pens, information.
- Give partners a chance to talk with each other and with us.
- Note: we discussed getting together for dinner, or drinks, but probably not the Monday before. See what the conference has scheduled, and work around that. Will know more in a few months.
- Budget money for food and coffee.
- Getting partners funds to attend. Will work on this.
- Partner recruitment- transition to passive with selective recruitment. People are finding us.
- Next white paper: Training Repository & class development or is it a newsletter. Will decide next month.
3 Information Sharing
- Curriculum Repository Update – The Curriculum Repository tool has been rolled out for use by a set of Alpha testers in an Advisory Group, including Barry. He has been working with people from NDIA and the vendor who developed the site to provide feedback on tools and processes and has been entering courses and mediating/approving classes submitted by others. We saw a demo on how it works.
- Partner Status.
- New Partners:
- Veterans Court Technology Clinic, St. Louis
- Digital Bridge, Milwaukee
- Helping Link, Seattle
- Visits- Barry & Katherine to visit Ed Tech of WNY on October 27th
- New Partners:
- Google AdWords – just getting started, should experiment some more
- Website Updates –
- Google map — neat stuff. https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1-gaTzWql0u8fF43cL4-ZwK3KOgM&ll=37.32314823700499%2C-102.13964855&z=5
- Arizona Tribal Libraries Digital Inclusion Summit Maryanna attended at the Ak-Chin Community Library. Organized by NDIA and the Arizona State Library. Discussions included using technology to document culture and language, applying for e-rate, and technology/broadband assessments. Refurbished laptops from AZ Strut were distributed to 8 tribal libraries.
- Peer-to-peer class — Barry & Katherine doing one in November.
- Other?
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed – Ongoing: Barry will solicit new partners from NDIA member ranks, other organizations encountered. This includes adding potential partners to the Participant’s database. While we will continue to add partners, are switching to a more passive approach since people are finding us. Transition to passive with selective recruitment.
- Closed 10/13/17. Opened 6/9/16: Katherine will set up a peer-to-peer course to go through the material, possibly on graphical design. 9/15/17 – participating in a peer-to-peer course on Refugees. 10/13/17 – set up a class starting mid-November on Mindfulness.
- Closed 10/13/17 Opened 11/4/16: Add seven new partners in the coming year. (Added 4 so far 6/19/17) and 3 more so made our goal.
- Closed 9/15/17 – Opened 5/24/17 – Find a home for redlining in Cleveland which is getting a lot of attention and happens in other places as well, not just Cleveland. Maybe under public policy initiatives.
- Closed 10/13/17 – Opened 8/3/17 – Determine our next partner profile, maybe AZStRUT? 9/15/17 – have material in a google doc. Katherine will revise, place on website and Maryanna will review with Tom at AZStRUT before it is released. Released it.
- Closed 10/13/17 Opened 9/15/17 – Plan PBDD Open House at the NDIA conference in April. Barry talked to Angela about getting space for Tuesday morning, 10-12.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – Friday Nov 17 @ 2:00pm CST/1:00pm MST?
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 3:30