Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 9:35
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1.1 Minutes
Approval of minutes. Passed.
1.2 Update on previous topics
- PRC link to PBDD website – it’s in twice. Maryanna will check on this
- Sharing PRC course materials & procedures – Barry and Maryanna will talk to John. Rest of material is up on website.
- Katherine will make a Resources Page, and highlight this material since it’s new — not available elsewhere on the web. We uploaded the documents, and Barry will revise that quarterly.
- Maryanna will check on material for Tech Tuesdays, to get that course material, ensure volunteers don’t object to having that posted.
- Mission Statement – Any further comments?
- Our mission is to support and encourage nonprofit agencies to bridge the digital divide. Our goal is to improve existing programs and start programs in unserved areas. Our vision is that everyone has access to digital technology and training.
1.3 New business
- National Digital Inclusion Alliance organization- (informal action with written consent provided via email 6/3/2015). Katherine moves to accept this informal action, Maryanna seconded. Passed.
- Measuring Impact working group. At the refurbishers conference last November there was a session on measuring impact, followed by creation and discussion on a Measuring Impact Working Group. Barry was recently added to this group.
- Other new business – none
1.4 Accomplishments and initiatives
- Partner Agencies: We have seven in six states: California, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York
- Sales Tax Exemption: Paperwork has been filed and acknowledged
- Website Updates
Added Mission Statement, additional content, additional partners, PRC training material – will look at navigation, putting the main pages on the submenus for each of the items that have subitems.
- Anatomy of Best Practices Agency- draft ready for distribution for comments. Are getting some comments. Will revise.
- Following up with IT-United in Milwaukee and City of Milwaukee, looking to make connections. Barry sent an email to the mayor’s office after seeing them on the NDIA list. Barry will follow up, with a phone call if he doesn’t hear back soon. Barry also followed up with Independence First in Milwaukee, that refurbishes computers for the Handicapped. They may be interested in partnering, but aren’t in a position to take on the entire city of Milwaukee’s needs. They could be a good resource for the Milwaukee Agency.
- Inclusion of PRC Refurbishing procedures on PBDD website is being done.
- PRC Facebook link to PBDD – https://www.facebook.com/pbdd.org?fref=ts Maryanna will make a note on the PRC’s Facebook link. Katherine will investigate liking both Facebook page and the PBDD website.
- COD Classes in Fundraising and Grant writing. Notes from Fundraising Class: Barry attended the “Basics of Fundraising” class at College of DuPage. Though the class was focused on large organizations with staff, executive committee and a large donor board, it was worthwhile to get a view into that for the longer term as well as some specifics about which could be applied in the near term. Key takeaways included awareness of development models and donor care. Learned about tools for fundraising and a collection of other resources to be aware of.
Specific actions to consider are developing a gift policy, start a donor database, and think about a long-term strategic plan. - GuideStar – http://www.guidestar.org/ Barry will investigate. CharityNavigator will be investigated as well, although we’re probably too small for them.
- bi-monthly newsletters for partners and donors. Katherine will set up this targeting July for partners, later for donors, using blog posts, and possibly email.
- Site statistics – https://pbdd.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stats
1.5 Time and Location for next meeting –
Next meeting is 9:30 at PRC Wheaton. July 10. New default time is 9:30.
1.6 Adjourn –
Adjourned: 10:40. Passed.