Time: 10:30 a.m.
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1.1 Minutes
Approval of minutes. Minutes show informal action that occurred after the meeting should be in May’s meeting minutes. Motion to approve with modification made by Maryanna. Katherine seconded. Passed unanimously.
1.2 Update on previous topics
- PRC link to PBDD website – have it, but will continue to work on placement.
- Sharing PRC course materials & procedures – there was discussion at the PRC, agreement in theory but need to address the how since the material is on a private website, and when they change, how will they be updated? After discussion, we decided that until there is a more shareable form of it, Barry will copy updates every three months to the Partners’ Resources section of the website.
- For the refurbishing procedures – Need to check with John
- Picture of board and board members with short bio on website – done
1.3 New business
Post Office Box –
- (informal action with written consent provided via email 4/17/2015),
- Number is 205, Warrenville, IL 60555
Mission Statement –
Our mission is to assist and encourage nonprofit agencies to bridge the digital divide, particularly those providing digital access, equipment and training to their clients. Our goal is to promote improvement in existing programs and encourage initiatives in unserved areas.
We’ll post this to our website, and will revisit it in a month or two for further tweaking.
3. Financials: Current state and proposed budget
Tested donating via PayPal with a 18.00 donation. (17.20 showed up for PBDD.)
After discussion, Katherine made a motion to approved the budget, Maryanna seconded, passed unanimously. A copy of the approved budget will be emailed to board members.
4. Other new business – none
1.4 Accomplishments and initiatives
- Filed CO-1 and CO-2 with Illinois Attorney General
- IRS Form 990-N for FY2014-2015 (Filed & Accepted 4/20/2015)
- Financial
– rented post office box
– Established PayPal account with 501c3 rates
– Barry and Katherine signed up for COD classes on fundraising and grant writing in June. - Partner Agencies – all emails went out, have 5 partner agencies and close to a sixth.
- Website Updates
– web navigation plugin
– Participants database plug in
– Statistics pluginUser experience– navigation capabilities at top of page
– donation pages
– about the board page
– partner agencies page, with formatting and database views
– Minutes and agenda pages added
– Beautification and content updates
– Created Facebook page for Pbdd – https://www.facebook.com/pbdd.org - Sales Tax Exemption – Barry is working on this
- Anatomy of Best Practices Agency – Barry is starting to draft this.
- Following up with IT-United in Milwaukee – Barry
- Incorporate PRC training information on our website, and check on refurbishing being included. – all
- PRC Facebook to link to PBDD. – Maryanna
1.5 Time and Location for next meeting –
9:30 at PRC Wheaton. June 12
1.6 Adjourn –
Katherine made a motion to adjourn, Barry seconded it, passed.
Adjourned: 11:22