Time: 10:00am. CDT
Location: Warrenville
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 10:05
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of April minutes
2 New Business
- Updated Privacy Policy – taking the WordPress version, modified things, looked at a few others. Have established a base policy at: https://pbdd.org/privacy-policy
3 Information Sharing
- Net Inclusion Follow-up
- Report sent (NDIA, Refurbishers, RAILS, P2PU)
- Feedback- Bud would distribute to NCF, Jim Lynch on Refurb mailing list “ I was hoping you’d be willing to share your report from the recent NDIA Net Inclusion conference. I’d recommend to anyone, who like me, is particularly interested in digital inclusion to have a look at Barry’s full notes on the event.” There were other positive comments as well.
- PBDD had a 100-hit day following release.
- Partner Status.
- PCs for People added as partner (April 20)
- IBSA added as a partner (April 30)
- SPNN added (May 3)
- Meeting with Jeni Fabian (PRC) scheduled for 5/29
- Website Updates- Partner pages, NDIA conference report.
- Maryanna’s Measuring impact – partner questions Questions sent out to partners May 9. Need to identify which partners (more-established) for follow-up plan.
- Maryanna – AZStrut, PRC, Free Geek
- Katherine – CompUDopt, Computers to SD Kids, Connected Nation
- Barry – PCs for People, Human IT, San Diego Futures Foundation
- P2PU workshop in Kansas City in May will be a newsletter. http://kc2018.p2pu.org/
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 5/25/18: Opened 3/2/18 – Next Partner Profile is Human-I-T, sent them a draft in April.
- Closed 5/25/18: Opened 4/16/18 – If K&B aren’t residents of Illinois, how does this affect PBDD’s incorporation at the state level? (A nonprofit has to be incorporated in some state to apply for tax exempt status.) We may want to move PBDD’s state of record to be Arizona with Maryanna. 5/25/18: We would have to incorporate in another state, and disincorporate in Illinois. Instead, we could use Maryanna’s house in Illinois when necessary.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – Wednesday, June 20 3:30 pm CDT, 1:30 MST via Zoom
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 11:58