Time: 2:00pm
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Inaugural Regular Meeting
How Called: Via email notification, sent February 26, 2015
Convened: 2:05
Attendees: Barry Glicklich, Maryanna Milton, Katherine Lato
- Appointment of interim roles (prior to election of officers)
- Discussion and approval of by-laws
- Election of Officers
- Other New Business
- Accomplishments and Initiatives
- Time and Location for next meeting
- Adjourn
1.1 Appointment of interim roles (prior to election of officers)
Motion by Barry Glicklich to lead the meeting. Maryanna seconded. Passed unanimously.
Motion by Barry to appoint Katherine to take notes. Maryanna seconded. Passed unanimously.
1.2 Discussion and approval of by-laws
In particular having a regular meaning on the second Friday of the month at 10:30. Maryanna voted to approve the by-laws as written, with Katherine seconding. Passed unanimously.
1.3 Election of Officers
Slate: Barry Glicklich as President
Maryanna Milton as Vice-president
Katherine Lato as Secretary, also known as Vice-president of Communications
Barry Glicklich as Treasurer
Motion by Maryanna Milton to accept the proposed slate. Seconded by Katherine. Passed unanimously.
1.4 Other New Business
- Motion to authorize president to pursue 501(c)3 status, including expenditure of personal funds on behalf of the organization was made by Katherine. Maryanna seconded. Passed unanimously.
- Motion to authorize treasurer, subsequent to filing of 501(c)3 exemption status, to accept donations on behalf of the organization was made by Maryanna. Katherine seconded. Had discussion. Passed unanimously.
- Barry made a motion to motion to authorize treasurer, subsequent to filing of 501(c)3 exemption status, to open a checking account and/or credit card on behalf of the organization. Katherine seconded. Treasurer will investigate banks, looking for one without fees. Passed unanimously.
- Barry made a motion to designate People’s Resource Center at 201 S Naperville Ave in Wheaton as a primary designated place of meeting for the organization. Maryanna seconded. Passed unanimously.
- Discussion about number of board members. Fundraising, need for lawyer or accounting experience. Financial report, previous and anticipated expenditures.
1.5 Accomplishments and initiatives
- Barry’s meeting with United Way in Milwaukee – IT United – initiative helping nonprofits with their IT needs, and focusing on students and their employment skills, haven’t addressed specific user needs- realize it’s a problem. Estimate 50% of the students don’t have a computer in their home.
- Barry sent articles of Incorporation sent to Secretary of State on 27 February 2014.
- Barry went through the directory of refurbishers, found approximately 150 that are nonprofit or provide such services, will be sending out a letter to candidate partner agencies.
- Maryanna will look into getting a link to PBDD from the PRC. And ask about sharing course material and procedures more widely through PBDD. Note: in a month or two, will check on a Facebook post about PBDD from PRC.Katherine will investigate putting links to Facebook and other social media on the website, but won’t start a Facebook page instead focusing on the content of the main website.
1.6 Time and Location for next meeting –
Next meeting will be April 10th, at 10:30 at PRC.
1.7 Adjourn –
Katherine motioned to adjourn. Maryanna seconded. Passed unanimously.
Time: 3:12