Time: 4:00 p.m. CDT (MST N/A)
Location: Warrenville headquarters
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting, as rescheduled
Convened: 4:00
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
May minutes reviewed.
2 New Business
3 Information Sharing
- Net Inclusion Report: Traffic, comments – overall great conference, made sense for all three of us to go, so will try to do that next year in Cleveland probably in April.
- AFTRR Meeting: Summary – sharing our impressions, leaned useful stuff, no date/place given for the next one.
- Tagline: An Information Sharing Agency for Digital Inclusion – changed to this (from helping nonprofits learn from each other)
- White Paper Status: Out for Review, comments – no corrections, couple of people said it looks good. It will be released this month.
- Partner Status Update: outreach, PRC – discussed potential partners, good usage of training material from PRC. 1,000 views of that page.
- Google for nonprofits – have information in https://pbdd.org/resources-for-nonprofits have a membership (not just a trial), can use name@pbdd.org. Have several action items to work on stuff for this.
- Curriculum Repository Update – NDIA has a project to do digital inclusion curriculum.
- Financial Update – discussed costs of conferences, as expected.
- Website Updates – lots of changes, added new ‘nonprofit’ heading, main page for each category, added information on getting started.
- Other?
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed.
- Closed – 6/19/17. Opened Sept 2015. Write-up how to access grant Database for C.O.D. – Barry Started Draft 8 Oct 2015. Went to COD on March 9th and drafted a procedure. In summer, Maryanna reviewed it. Tom is revising it with better pictures and information. He gave us his screen shots, once we finish it, we will link it to our volunteer page. Later may generalize it and link to it for partners. We made a web page out of it, and have done enough for this.
- Closed 6/8/17 – Opened April 9, 2016: Draft the statement of purpose for a conference, length, target speakers. Just the bare bones of it. Katherine will start the statement of purpose after she’s been to three conferences. (We are looking to forge stronger bonds between partners.) Have draft available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V1cEbJu2QVf4yZ24hvaw0p7RVMJik2jefDkimQiZRqw/edit
- Closed 6/19/17. Opened 12/12/16: Developed white paper approach on fundraising. We have a series of questions, will be sending them out and asking for further input, then drafting the paper. Sent the questions out, only got one response. Board will personally ping people starting 4/3/17. Board did this, got 50% response rate with many good conversations. Drafted the paper, revised, send to contributors for comments. Releasing in June.
- Closed 5/1/17 – Opened 12/12/16: Create a postcard/bookmark/something with PBDD information that we can use at conferences, or a fundraiser. Started this with something for writing conference. Refined ideas and shared with board members at 3/27/17 board meeting. Katherine revised, and it has been sent to the printer. Needed to revise the pixels, sent again. Got it done, got them.
- Closed 5/1/17 – Opened 2/27/17 partner profile on CompUDopt who Barry and Katherine visited in February. Katherine drafted it. Will send to Megan for comments. It’s been released.
- Closed 6/8/17 – Opened 3/2/17 – After May 6th, remove references to the DuPage Human Race from home page and on the menu. Update 5/7/17 – updated info. Will remove in a bit.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – August 7 @ 2:00pm CDT.
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 5:25 p.m.