Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting (rescheduled date via email)
Convened: 9:35
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
June minutes approved.
2 New Business
- Informal Action with Written Consent: MOU with Connected Nation. Signed.
- Joint Fundraiser with PRC. Barry met with Sarah on June 29th. They’ll work together. Motion to have a general budget for the event to be approved by the board. Seconded. Passed.
3 Information Sharing
- Mobile Citizen/Mobile Beacon: Broadband usage trial for nonprofits. Hardware about $100, then $10 a month using Sprint’s LTE network. Before advertising to our partners, PBDD will get a demo good for 45 days.
- Partner Status: Free Geek. In Portland. They do linux machines.
- Finance Update. IRS 990 E-Postcard filed
- Connected Nation: Connected Program. Wants a logo and summary of service offerings. Here’s a draft:
PBDD works with a set of digital inclusion partners across the country who provide computer equipment and training to clients within their communities. In working with these partner agencies and others willing to share their material, PBDD has developed a collection of best practices, training material, and lessons learned in establishing programs to address the digital divide.PBDD will work with communities to implement their Technology Action Plans, providing resources, expertise, and mentorship to those communities.
Katherine will work with Sam, their freelance writer, to write our story and discuss connections between us.
- Web Site Updates – After Net Inclusion summit, came up with a list of things that should be added. This will require changes to categories on the website and a number of pages.
4 Action Item Status Changes
Items closed since last meeting.
- Closed July 6, 2016. Opened Sept 2015 When John Victor and team finishes the PRC Refurbishing Overview document, use that as a base for a overview document for the PBDD website. Maryanna gave a copy of it to board members in March, 2016. Katherine converted it from a flowchart to a list and shared it with board members. This will be the basis of our next white paper. (And will be tracked there.)
- Closed 7/6/16. Opened March 11: GPS Visualizer takes an input file and gives an output file. May use this for a map of partner agencies with Barry updating whenever he adds a partner http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/ 5/13/16 update- Will explore using www.cristina.org’s visualization map. Explored it and decided that other organizations have maps and it’s not important to our users.
- Closed 6/29/16. Opened March 11: Explore everyoneon.org and figure out how to add it to our resources–note, it’s not about free computers. We mentioned this in our last newsletter. Katherine will add links as appropriate to the website, probably in resources for general, being sure to mention that computers aren’t free, although training is. Added a page of pbdd.org/offers and will link it as part of the web page restructuring.
- Closed 7/6/16. Opened April 9: Maryanna will explore PRC becoming a cristina.org partner. If/when it happens, we’ll explore what they offer. 6/9/16 update–PRC has applied. They are a partner.
- Closed 7/6/16. Opened April 9: Choose a white paper topic. Will use the refurbishing process as a base.
- Closed 6/29/16. Opened 5/13/16: Katherine will explore http://reuseconex.org to see if it’s worth going. Looked at the previous conference write-up http://www.reuseconex.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/RC2014-Program_FINALDRAFT.pdf and it’s not worth our going.
- Closed 7/6/16. Opened 6/9/16: Maryanna will talk to PRC development about the possibility of a joint PRC/PBDD fundraiser using the comedy donation and gelato donation that Barry and Katherine won at Make-a-wish on June 8th. Barry is working with Sarah on this.
- Closed 7/6/16. Opened 6/9/16: Barry will follow up with ConnectedNation about becoming a partner. They are our partner (after we signed a MOU.)
5 Action Item Status Updates
- Walking through Action Item List and noting updates.
6 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – August 12 @ 9:30
7 Adjourn –
Adjourned: 10:40