Thanks to all who contributed comments to our white paper on what makes a best-in-class bridging agency. A revised version is available at: AnatomyOfBestInClass-v1.0. If you have any comments, please let us know.
We have added a page of training material from People’s Resource Center in Wheaton, Illinois to our website and invite you to look through the material which covers: an Introduction to Computers class, two Windows classes, two Excel classes, two Microsoft Word classes, and a PowerPoint class. All information is presented under Creative Commons license with an expectation of attribution to the original source. We encourage you to use and share this material.
If you have material to share, but aren’t sure how, please contact Barry Glicklich or myself.
Why do this? Because the more we share our documented expertise, the bigger impact we can have. This also increases the impact of donor contributions. As one agency develops material on a new topic, this can be leveraged by other agencies, rather than having everyone start from the beginning.
Are there things that we can do to improve communication between partner agencies, resources that we should highlight, or other communication that you would find helpful? If so, please let us know.
We sent this first newsletter out via email, but it is also posted on our blog. It is possible to request email for updated blog entries, or we can send it out as we did this time. Please let us know if you’d like to be removed from the newsletter email list. Or if there are others in your organization who would like to receive a copy.
We hope to see you in New Orleans in November at the Electronics Reuse Conference. As our personal plans allow, we hope to visit your site to make it easier to write a partner profile. We will be visiting Net Literacy in Indianapolis in July.
Please feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions or comments.
Katherine Lato