Time: 6:30am MST, 9:30am EDT
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 9:30 Eastern
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of June minutes (draft https://www.pbdd.org/draft-of/ )
2 New Business
- Review of Grant submissions. We awarded three $500 grants: Computer2Kids, ODLAN, PRC. Approved by the board. Will use this information in an experience report.
3 Information Sharing
- Review partner description update status: Veterans Court removed. Update sent to The Repair Association, approved, and updated 6/13
- Web page updates: Partner pages (map, summary, details, chronology)
- PA Initiative: statewide digital inclusion coalition group forming
- Partner status: odlan, https://www.odlan.ca/
- Partner status: $100 grant sent to IBSA, RSVP, L2BTL, C2K. Sent follow-up email to all partners proclaiming this, and offering $500 grants. Sent “last call” email 7/12. See New Business for grant information.
- Banking update.
- NDIA has restructured/renamed membership structure. We are now known as affiliate plus.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 7/18/22: (Note–we may do grants this again in 2023.) Opened 10/25/21 After Net Inclusion, contact partners, asking them what they hope to accomplish over the next year. Is there a way PBDD or other partners can help? 2/25/22 update: Determine mechanism for grants to partner agencies for coming year–ask them what they need.
- Title $100 for one minute’s work — one time offer!
- Five things to rank as greatest funding need
- cash reserves/endowment
- Program services
- Overhead
- salaries/benefits
- other – please list
- Give a $100 grant to the organization who returns first, and give a grant to whoever has the most interesting other within the first week. We want to better understand our partners’ needs before we give out $500 grants.
- At the June 13th board meeting, we confirmed the recipients of the $100 grants, want to better understand our partners’ needs before giving out the $500 grants. This is open to all partners. Tell us about your most unique and effective program service so we can share this with our other partners in an experience paper. You can be as detailed as you like, but we don’t require that. PBDD will evaluate and provide $500 grants to each of the top entries. Note: in email, state that we don’t expect this ‘grant application’ to take long, nor to be smoothly written. (We may ask follow up questions.) An organization can do multiple entries if they have multiple programs to describe.
- At the July 18th board meeting, we reviewed the grant submissions and awarded three grants: Computer2Kids, Ontario Digital Literacy and Access Network, People’s Resource Center. Will use this information in an experience report.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — Monday August 8, 6:30am MST, 9:30am EDT via Zoom
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 10:30