Time: 1:30pm MST, 4:30pm EDT
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 4:45 EDT
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of May minutes.
2 Information Sharing
- Change of address submitted.
- Impact 6 conversation & connections. Ambitious and are looking to do stuff with computers and want to have a computer drive. They’re in San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Mentioned NDIA and Everyone On. Sent introduction emails to them and partners. Computers to San Diego kids replied, that Barry saw.
- Reviewing partner description update status: Helping Link updated. Human IT & IBSA need to be sent for approval
- Web page updates needed as we catch up on NDIA emails. (David isn’t doing it anymore.)
- Updating Partner info — next iFixit & Independence First (suggest to drop as partner). Reviewed the latest two updates.
- Net Inclusion- registration will be starting Oct 6, expecting full capacity of 400. We’re all going.
3 Action Item Status Updates
- Closed 7/12/21 – Opened 7/24/20: Identify apparently underserved areas and see if we can help. Maryanna identified Mississippi as a state that isn’t part of AFTR, or NDIA, that we don’t have any partners. Note, there is a Mississippi University for Women and Pandemic Response Broadband — might be good places to start.
- Maryanna did a couple of searches focused on Mississippi. Phone number wasn’t the right person, email to try, articles especially on broadband. They aren’t part of NDIA or AFTRR, which is why it was chosen.
- Started with United Way of Eastern Mississippi, sent email. Heard nothing. Have a list of organizations to contact, and will see how it goes.
- 12/11/20 – google doc – Lots of conversations with people in Mississippi. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10c0AuVLzWr7vN3P5nOfgjGHcPaO1HBJRQ0lTsygY4Q4/edit?ts=5fd3c912
- Reached out to them again. Hoping one or more will join NDIA.
- 4/9/21, Maryanna contacted AFTR about who might be willing to talk to people from Mississippi since they want to learn about refurbishing.
- After several attempts to reach out, we will wait to hear if they want anything from us. We’re closing this.
4 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — August 16 1:30pm MST, 4:30pm EDT via Zoom
5 Adjourn
Adjourned: 5:30