Time: 1:30pm CST, (12:30 MST)
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 1:40
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of December minutes
2 New Business
- None
3 Information Sharing
- AFTRR best practices working group –
- Digital Inclusion seder – draft of seder – revisions
- What to do with old laptops that can’t be refurbished https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroWaste/comments/ewlco7/things_you_can_make_from_old_or_dead_laptops/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
- Experience paper: Comments on email and questions. Barry will send out.
- Other Net Inclusion discussion
- Partner Updates – MAPPINGS for AZ StRUT, approved.
- People finding us: CourseDuck, GrowThink
- Website Updates: Training – CourseDuck; Getting Started as a Nonprofit- GrowThink
- Trip Reports: DI discussions in Africa – while tourists have access to wifi in Morocco and some of it is pretty fast, people weren’t willing to share much information. In Egypt,
- From Rhonda, tour guide, middle class family. Most middle class families have home internet packages that have monthly limits and may cost around $50 per month. May have one computer at home. Mostly use phones.
- From Kevin, USAID employee based in Cairo. Not aware of any refurbishing organizations but refurbishing happens ‘on the street’ with used equipment being sold. Also electricity service goes on and off which interferes with regular connection.
- In city and large tourist hotels, internet connection consistent.
Barry reached out to Ilham Laaziz, Directrice du programme GENIE chez Ministry of Education, Morocco. They were involved with Africa Code Week, launched in Rabat in October. He expressed interest in learning about their efforts in digital inclusion, and though she connected initially, he did not receive a reply.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed Jan 31, 2020 – Opened – Dec 2, 2019 Gather information from overseas travel about digital inclusion. Do you use the internet at home and how do you access it? Is there a place to refurbish or recycle old computers? Take notes.
- Closed Dec 2019 – was in newsletter – Next newsletter topics:
- Ask partners for suggestions for dealing with loss of income from recycling.
- Ask for interest in attending NDIA, and staying with us, and attending our digital inclusion seder.
- Remind people about our MAPPINGS.
- Include Partner profile for Computers 4 Kids.
- Letter to donors
- Next Experience Paper- Training questions
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — Friday February 21, 2:00pm CST Time (1:00 pm MST), via Zoom
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 2:50