Time: 5:00pm MST, 7:00pm EST
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 7:00 EST, 5:00 MST
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of December minutes (draft https://www.pbdd.org/draft-of/ )
2 Information Sharing
- Web page updates: Digital Inclusion Planning, Digital Inclusion Resources for Specific Groups, Training, Affordable Connectivity Plan Resources, Digital Navigator Page, Training, Racial Equity, Research, Gov’t Initiatives, Low-cost Access options
- Katherine checked all links in experience papers.
- Katherine changed ‘white paper’ to ‘experience paper’ in links and text.
- Newsletter: Published & shared with NDIA mailing list. Included Listening Session, Experience Paper, Partner DIW activities.
- Experience Paper: Published & highlighted in NDIA mail
- Partner Status: Two new interested organizations: ClosingTheDivide, Connected Waukegan
- Pennsylvania State Digital Equity Coalition: pasdec.org live
- Arizona Digital Inclusion Network: offer to host a web page
- Maryanna will share the pasdec.org website with the steering committee. Since adin.org isn’t available, may want it to be pbdd.org/adin for the URL. Katherine will provide web support.
- AZ StRUT: reorganizing some roles
- Digitunity – found the Guide for Electronics collection.
- Net Inclusion
- Katherine prepared and submitted her lightning round presentation (with help and encouragement from fellow board members–thanks!)
- Giveaways – pens?
3 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Potential experience papers identified.
- DONE 12/30/22 — 7/18/22 – based on grants offered in 2022. For a currently active program, how did it get started? What’s been learned from the time you started it to now? Any stories about people affected? What impact has this program had on the community and your goals or mission? What are the challenges?
4 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting Monday, Feb 27th – Live in San Antonio
5 Adjourn
Adjourned: 7:50 PM EST