Time: 10:00am CST, 11:00am EST
Location: via phone
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 11:00 Eastern, 10:00 central
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of January minutes.
2 New Business
- Budget proposal, comments, and approved.
- Do we want to consider applying for grants? There is money around. Rather than applying directly, we could offer to edit partners’ grant applications.
- Election of officers for coming year. Barry Glicklich – President & Treasurer, Maryanna Milton- VP, Katherine Lato – VP of Communications & Secretary. Seconded and approved.
3 Information Sharing
- Review partner description update status: RSVP- recently written, SDFF .
- Web page updates: Training page, Public Policy Initiatives, Conferences, Upcoming
- Updating Partner info — next By Katherine. See Latest two updates to read through, make suggestions, then we can contact the organizations to run it past them.
- Net Inclusion 2022- conference report status? After a hiatus of two years due to COVID-19, NDIA’s Net Inclusion live conference reconvened in February at the Portland State University campus. Maryanna Milton and Barry Glicklich from Partners Bridging the Digital Divide (PBDD) were among the 500 in person attendees and Katherine Lato (also from PBDD) was among the 450 virtual attendees.
- Partner status – new orgs to invite to become partners — Amy at PRC is the new program director for the computer access and training session. Reconnecting there.
- Volunteer Executive Consultants: available through RSVP https://www.rsvpmc.org/assistance-for-nonprofits-1 – PBDD won’t be asking for help coming up with a strategic plan since we’re happy to support other organizations.
- Chester County Digital Inclusion Initiative update. They completed their first pass of training, have recruited agencies to work on the second pass and there is a kick-off meeting next week.
- Lauren volunteer update. If it wasn’t for PBDD, a PhD candidate who is interested in digital inclusion wouldn’t have connected with our partner, AZsTRUT.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — March 14, 7 am MST, 10 am EDT via Zoom
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 12:00