Main Take-aways
- The digital inclusion community is vibrant and growing.
- There are large sums of federal money coming for broadband and digital equity.
- Organizations should establish relationships with state and local broadband offices, and help them to help us help our clients.
- NDIA did a wonderful job addressing the requirements in the age of COVID-19, and the Dine Around was a great program that helped create new connections in a friendly informal setting.
Recurring Themes, Phrases, and Language
- “Lived experience”
- “Human centered design”
- A lot of visibility for Northstar training classes with many organizations using it
- Use the word houseless or unhoused, rather than homeless
- Digital skills rather than digital literacy
- Pending federal funds for broadband & digital equity
Fun Quotes
- “With digital equity, we all win.”
- “Participatory action research is when traditional research & activism have a baby”
- “Digital Inclusion is local; Federal data is not.”
- “We don’t need better locks, we need to understand why people break-in.”
- “We are putting the toothpaste back into the tube. Kind of messy but necessary. “
- “That’s Barry’s. Barry’s awesome. We have a lot of rock stars. If you don’t know them, let me know and I’ll point them out to you.”
- “Bureactivist”
- “Moving at the speed of trust”
- “This is our moment!”
Detailed notes (30+ pages) from PBDD board members are available in this google document.
All sessions were recorded by NDIA and will be available in a few weeks at https://www.digitalinclusion.org/net-inclusion-2022/
Stephanie Stenberg encouraged attendees to add notes to a google document that they were sharing with the Internet2 Community Anchor Program (CAP).