Several organizations have developed resources to help define and support the role of a digital navigator, and this page provides links to these and associated resources
- NDIA’s Digital Navigator Model page
- DigitalUS’s Digital Navigators Playbook. This tool kit covers five important elements in program planning and design:
• Program Goal – What is this program interested in accomplishing? What problem is it intended to address? Who is the target population?
• Program Description – What activities will you be doing to achieve the desired program outcomes? What service(s) will you offer?
• Measurement and Evaluation – What does success look like, and how can we measure it? What metrics will your agency use to track results?
• Implementation Plan – Are there training and startup requirements? What current resources can you leverage and or will you need additional resources?
• Building a Digital Equity Ecosystem – Do you know potential partners offering complimentary, wrap-around, or supportive services? What strategic alliances with businesses, governments, and other organizations or institutions, can be made to ensure digital inclusion? - For hiring digital navigators, Essential Families in Kansas City has 21 digital navigators (as of February, 2023) and have shared a page addressing Digital Navigator role description, compensation, questions, and documents they request from each Digital Navigator applicant
- Salt Lake City Public Library Digital Navigator toolkit
- Navigating the Telehealth Neighborhood: A Guide to Telehealth Access for Digital Navigators from the Northwest Regional Telehealth Resource Center (