Time: 1:30pm MST, 2:30pm CDT
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 2:35
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of November minutes
2 New Business
Sponsorship of Net Inclusion 2021 Webinar Series at the MegaByte level was proposed and approved.
3 Information Sharing
- Review partner description update status: C2SDK & C4K follow-up: C2K-SD logo & name updated, Update emails sent November 30, with response requested by Dec 10th. C2K provided an update, which has been incorporated
- Milwaukee initiative : Targeting launch Q1 2021; Barry had call with Microsoft Dec 1, and will continue to be involved, EveryoneOn has started to provide flyers, Barry reached out December 10
- Web page updates: Research, Basics, Starting a Refurbishing Program, low cost access options, General, Public Policy Initiatives
- Updating Partner info — next two Connected Insights & Connected Nation. See Latest two updates to read through, make suggestions, then we can contact the organizations to run it past them.
- NDIA subscribers- We have renewed our subscriber status for 2021. There will be another subscriber trivia hour on Dec 16th 6pm CST/5pm MST
- NDIA engagement: grant review, Net Inclusion sponsorship, David helping out NDIA
- Connecting Washtenaw migrant workers- talked with DHHS contact and provided introduction to Sabrina Roach at NDIA.
- Promoting partner impact stories, Round 2 – Maryanna looking for ideas. Brainstorm some ways we can broaden the audience for stories. Example: AZ StRUT virtual learning Techie Camps; article in process.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 12/11/20 – Opened 7/18/20: Cancel everything with GoDaddy (Security Certificate, wordpress hosting, ensuring no auto renew) Barry
- Closed 12/11/20 – Opened 8/21/20: look at Covid page, see if it should be organized differently. All. 11/20/20 – created more categories, moved things around. Fine tune next month.
4 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — January 15 3:00 pm MST, 4:00pm CST via Zoom
5 Adjourn
Adjourned: 3:45