- Barry Glicklich – President, Treasurer
- Maryanna Milton – Vice-president
- Katherine Lato – Secretary, also known as Vice-president of Communications
The Board meets monthly. Approved meeting minutes are available at: Meeting Notes
Barry Glicklich is the motivation behind PBDD. After working 30+ years as an engineer and volunteering for five years teaching computer classes at the People’s Resource Center, Barry is focusing his energies on improving and spreading the reach of such programs to increase digital inclusion.
Maryanna Milton was the People’s Resource Center Adult Learning and Literacy Director for many years. She brings her belief in the power of adult education into action with over twenty years of teaching and coordinating programs that empower and develop opportunities for adults.
Katherine Lato is Barry’s life partner and enthusiastic volunteer for web site design and content for PBDD. As the author of several fiction novels, she brings her love of the written word to this project as well as her experience in web design.