Time: 3:30pm CDT, (1:30pm MST)
Location: via Zoom
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 3:31
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of July minutes
2 New Business
- Review new draft mission statement
- Old one:Our mission is to support and encourage agencies working to bridge the digital divide. We help organizations anywhere in the world which provide training, internet access or computer resources to people who need digital access.Our goal is to work with those agencies to improve existing programs and provide help starting programs in unserved areas. Our vision is that everyone has access to digital technology and training.
New mission statement:
To assist agencies in local communities provide digital inclusion services including equipment, training & broadband connectivity.
Our goals are for Partners Bridging the Digital Divide to:
- Connect partners to each other and to the broader digital inclusion community to increase the knowledge of all.
- Document and share best practices and experiences of partner agencies to have agencies gain from the experience of others.
- Collect links and host training material that otherwise wouldn’t be public so agencies can avoid duplicating work.
- Describe partners’ organizations so others can learn from their experiences and know what questions to ask them.
2) White paper- sharing success stories – next steps, Maryanna
3) Micro-grant – Barry to ask Molly of mobile citizen for input on a draft of a letter
3 Information Sharing
- AFTRR best practices working group – not moving very fast.
- Partner Updates – nothing new
- Website Updates – new mission statement on our web page, Measuring Impact
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Closed 8/7/19 – Opened 5/3/19. Everyone come up with 2 – 3 answers to the question — What does it look like when we’re doing our best work? What would it look like ideally when we’re doing our best work? from http://www.jeffersonawards.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Mission-Statement-Exercise.pdf in prep for reviewing our mission statement. We’ll share these at the next meeting and do the next steps in the above guide.
- Opened 7/1/19. Consolidate mission statement, and tag next person. Starting with Maryanna. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MKw3wgbY3FOn5swUnhoL5vK6pQ3fJcy9mwxteNxzk_8/edit?ts=59bc7396#
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting — Friday September 6, 3:30pm CDT, (1:30 MST), via Zoom
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 4:32