Time: 9:30 a.m.
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 9:38
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of March minutes
2 New Business
- Discussion of AFTRR endeavor by the cristina.org and follow-on from April 1 phone call including Bud’s email.
- Since we haven’t made any progress on having a donate-here button that would take people to the closest place to donate computers, we could promote their https://www.cristina.org/non-profit-locator/ rather than creating anything on our own.
- We’re happy to have more people know about our training resources. So Barry will include a draft of a letter to their partners about us.
- Maryanna will see if PRC can become a partner and we’ll learn more from that experience, like what they offer.
- The Veteran’s information on the Cristina Foundation site since doesn’t seem applicable to our partners, or clients. Some concern about the implicit endorsement of a number of paid products. So we don’t plan on linking to it.
- What about the framework itself? Bud mentioned two-lines of code. The navigation is counter-intuitive–back arrow takes you outside the tool. If we use it, the information still needs to be maintained. We will explore giving people a couple of lines of code rather than a link to a page–like our training page–but we have some concerns about the web hosting and security issues.
3 Action Items Closed
A) Closed March. Opened Sept 2015. White paper on Origin Stories of our partners. All, Sent email to partners in mid September asking for input by Oct 6th. We divided up non-responses at October board meeting and followed up. As we add new partners, we are asking for their origin stories. Will not include people who don’t reply to two attempts.
- As of Dec 11th, we’ve heard from: Learning to be the Light, Masonic Angels Foundation (Laptop for Kids), NetLiteracy, TechBoomers, PRC, HumanIT, LSSNF (via interview) and CompuDopt.
- Will continue to accept input until second draft.
- Response received from Ed Tech 15 December
- Our Children LA received January 4
- First draft was developed at the January board meeting and shared subsequently with board members via google docs.
- Sent Intro & Appendix excerpts out Jan 22. Responses tracked in Google Doc
- Board members will add specific items to illustrate themes with Maryanna taking Volunteers, Barry taking Misc, and Katherine reviewing the other categories by 2/19.
- Feb 22, Barry sent an email to each partner with full draft asking for feedback by mid-March. Updates & status of responses being tracked in Google Doc
- March 11: Got feedback from a number, will get more. Then one last review by all board members and then send it to partners and place on website.
- Item can be closed. Final updates by board March 22, published 3/24, Publicized in newsletter 3/28.
B) Closed April. Opened Nov 20 2015 Think about a best-practices in grant writing white paper, including which ones not to apply to. Will get to this after current white paper. Accessing the grant directory instructions may be an appendix to the paper once we write the paper. Closed, decided that this isn’t a good topic for our next white paper.
C) Closed April Opened Feb 12 2016. Katherine will look at the training pages and initiatives page–and maybe break out the training so it’s easier to find specific things. She will consult with Barry. Consolidated ‘Help us” under ‘about us’ so there was space for a Training page. Further changes will be part of ongoing web content maintenance.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates
- Opened Sept 2015. Write-up how to access grant Database for C.O.D. – Barry Started Draft 8 Oct 2015. Went to COD on March 9th and drafted a procedure. Maryanna will review it and have it linked on our volunteer page. Later may generalize it and link to it for partners.
- Opened Sept 2015, update 3/4/16. Contact Milwaukee public library for sharing training information, etc. – Barry – Left message for Stephanie Robinson (Public Computer Training Coordinator) 9/22. Information is available at: http://www.mpl.org/content/pdfs/2016_ComputerClasses_Spring.pdf Turns out there aren’t online courses. Placed call 3/28 to Sha’Nese Burnell Jones, asking for a meeting. Received a call back 3/31, saying to expect a call from Tiffany (Sha’Nese does internal staff training, not training for the public).
- Opened Sept 2015 When John Victor and team finishes the PRC Refurbishing Overview document, use that as a base for a overview document for the PBDD website. Maryanna has a copy of it. Katherine will convert from a flowchart to a list and share with board members.
- Ongoing (not expected to close) – Sharing PRC videos on YouTube. Barry will add links as they come out. Opened Sept 2015. Videos up to date as of 3/9/16
- Ongoing (i.e. not expected to close – Tracking the following annually recurring items:
- IRS Form 990 (or 990-EZ or 990-N) due July 15
- Send completed filed 990 form to Guidestar
- Illinois AG requires AG990-IL for previous fiscal year due 8/31
- Board-approved budget for next year (Due before 2/28)
- Corporate Annual Report with IL Secretary of State (by March
- Election of officers for coming year (Regular meeting in March)
- Annual statement by officers, etc. acknowledging Conflict of Interest policy (Regular meeting in March)
- Renew Web Hosting (current contract expires Jan 17, 2019)
- Consider public fundraising campaign to ensure we stay a public charity (5 year averages, one third rule)
- Renew pbdd.org Domain (current lease expires Jan 15, 2021)
- Opened Nov 20 2015 – This is about all non-Windows hardware. It started with Katherine drafting a short note about how to refurbish Apple products and that the software is allowed to be used by whoever has the hardware just to get that conversation started. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oq8ghYlq3evbPf5ZPq-Y4Ef_92oYBWNZkpkYmpwR3L8/edit Think about tablets and having a system to accept them. Where this relates is to have a plan, maybe even a pilot project, to accept donated non-Windows machines. Maryanna will work on this.
- Ongoing – Keep an eye out for conferences. PPDD is every 2 years, Track them here, including any material published after the conference. Opened Nov 20 2015, not expected to close although the specifics will change.
- Net Inclusion 2016 May 18-19. Barry is on the planning committee http://www.digitalinclusionalliance.org/netinclusion2016/
- ReuseConex 2016, 4th International Reuse Conference & Expo ; When: October 17-18, 2016; Holiday Inn Boston Bunker Hill, Boston, MA; http://reuseconex.org
- Electronics Reuse Conference, October 24-26 2016, Houston, TX https://www.ereuseconference.com
- Digital Equity Learning February 2016 in Washington DC. http://digitalequityforlearning.org/
- Nonprofit Technology Conference www.nten.org/ntc. Future year conference dates and locations are: March 23-25, 2017, Washington, DC and
April 11-13, 2018, New Orleans, LA
- Opened Dec 11 2015. Barry will delete items from media that aren’t needed to see if that helps with uploading pictures. Problem was related to WordPress update. Resolved without deleting files, but should probably delete files that aren’t needed.
- Opened Dec 11 2015. Barry will explore grant funding for the Bridging Partner Summit. Maryanna will talk with Angela from NDIA, who was on board for a practioner’s conference if that is in line. Maryanna will ask her about grant funding possibilities. Also should consider having corporate sponsors. Could consider a go-fund me as well, targeting a different base. Barry will look into filling out a grant application. Barry and Maryanna will explore corporate connections and sponsors.
- Opened April 9, 2016: Draft the statement of purpose for the conference, length, target speakers, etc. Just the bare bones of it. Explore working with AFTRR on this. Katherine will start the statement of purpose.
- Opened Feb 29: Barry should solicit new partners from NDIA member ranks, other organizations encountered.
- Opened March 11: GPS Visualizer takes an input file and gives an output file. May use this for a map of partner agencies with Barry updating whenever he adds a partner http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/
- Opened March 11: Explore everyoneon.org and figure out how to add it to our resources–note, it’s not about free computers. We mentioned this in our last newsletter.
- Opened April 8: Maryanna will explore PRC becoming a cristina.org partner. If/when it happens, we’ll explore what they offer.
- Opened April 8: Barry will respond to Bud (cristina.org) offering to draft a letter to their partners about us–Katherine will help with drafting that letter.
- Opened April 8: Choose a white paper topic.
5 Information Sharing
PRC is participating in National Digital Inclusion day on May 13th.
PO Box came up for renewal. Barry renewed it.
Katherine updated the Training information on our web site, separating it from the other resources.
6 Time and Location for next meeting –
Next meeting – May 13 @ 9:30
7 Adjourn –
Adjourned: 11:06