Time: 8 pm
Location: AirBnb in Cleveland
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 8 p.m.
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
Approval of March minutes
2 New Business
- Discussion about moving PBDD place of record to Arizona when/if necessary. This may require us to register as a nonprofit in Arizona. So we should investigate this. New action item.
3 Information Sharing
- Net Inclusion Planning-
- Covering sessions-went through who was going to what.
- We shared notes via a Google doc then polished them for publication because of limits of long posts in WordPress.
- Budget update- no funding from PRC this year.
- Partner Status.
- human-I-T Partner profile was awaiting feedback (as of 4/16). Since the meeting, we got approval and released it.
- Maryanna’s Measuring impact – partner questions We reviewed the questions. Barry will send them out to partners. Depending on who answers, or doesn’t, we’ll identify further work.
- Katherine & Barry are going to the P2PU conference in Kansas City in May http://kc2018.p2pu.org/
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. In the minutes, this will record items closed during meeting.
- Close what was an Ongoing – Sharing PRC videos on YouTube. Barry will add links as they come out. Videos up to date as of 11/15/17. No longer ongoing. Barry will hear if there are updates, but it’s not happening much anymore.
- Closed – 4/16/18. Opened 12/15/17 – Everyone start to come up with goals for March 2018 – February 2019 and beyond.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – Friday May 25 at 10:00 CDT
6 Adjourn
Adjourned: 9:30