Open Action Items

Page to track the Action items. Will include closed items in board meeting notes, and go through open items at each board meeting.

Calendar Based Ongoing- Tracking the following annually recurring items:

    1. Board-approved budget for next year (Due before 2/28/2025) – approved 2.10.25
    2. Election of officers for coming year (Regular meeting in March, 2025) – approved 2.10.25
    3. Annual statement by officers acknowledging Conflict of Interest policy (post election in March, 2025) 
    4. IRS Form 990 (or 990-EZ or 990-N) for year ending 2/28/25 is due July 15, 2025 (previous year submitted 4/3/24)
    5. Renew Web Hosting (current contract expires July 15, 2025, part of LG)
    6. Illinois AG requires hard copy filing AG990-IL (no fee for small NP) for  fiscal year ending 2/2025, due 8/31/2025 (Data reflected on IL AG web site); Previous year mailed 7/9/2024; Waiting for it to be posted
    7. Update annual financials on Guidestar (for 2025 Gold or Platinum) depends on filing IRS Form 990.
    8. File Corporate Annual Report with IL Secretary of State (by March 1, 2026) (available electronically here as of 2020); Previous year filed 1/28/2025
    9. Renew Domain (current lease expires Jan 15, 2027)
  1. Periodically review Goals on our main page to make sure the mission statement and goals still reflects what we agree to.
  2. Opened 7.8.24 Will decide about sponsoring people to attend Net Inclusion. Will do it through NDIA. Barry will contact about sponsoring 4 registrations, leaning toward first time attendees.
  3. Open 2.10.25 Decide about Net Inclusion in Chicago in February 3-5 of 2026 on the Riverwalk.