Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: People’s Resource Center, 201 S. Naperville Road, Wheaton Illinois
Meeting Type: Regular Meeting with revised time
How Called: Standing meeting
Convened: 10:07
Attendees: Barry, Maryanna, Katherine
1 Minutes
October minutes approved.
2 New Business
- Time & technology for future meetings, second Monday, 2:00 Central time (1:00 Arizona) using Google hangout, initiated by Barry.
- Goals for coming year – listed the ones from the last meeting as action items where applicable.
3 Information Sharing
- Fundraiser summary – letter from Kim & Barry thanking people and giving amount deductible, $28 out of the $50 for dinner and the show per person. Waiting on final budget numbers.
- Making connections with RAILS: CPLS, P2PU, PRC VLookup Tech Talk – someone from people to people came to the RAILS meeting and made a presentation on Learning Circles, P2PU. She’ll join the RAILs group. More about this in Barry’s reflections for November 3.
- Excel Easy – contacted PBDD from our web site from TechBoomers. They have training material with good information. There are ads in their training material, but it’s a good resource. http://www.excel-easy.com/
- Connect Chicago – good talk about refurbishing from Sarah Kade. Someone from FreeGeek in Chicago was there and Barry invited them to become a partner.
- Web Site Updates – new page under NDIA recommendations, https://pbdd.org/ndia-digital-inclusion-recommendations-federal-government/
- Julie Wachowski is the new contact at PRC training. Director of Adult Learning.
4 Action Item Status Updates
Walking through Action Item List and noting updates. Nothing closed.
5 Time and Location for Next Meeting
Next meeting – December 12 @ 2:00 Central time via Google hangout.
6 Adjourn for End of Year/Farewell Lunch–
Adjourned: 11:26